© EduStat "an assistance software to educational assessment activities"
The "www.mcpythagore.com/edustat/" site consists of a main page that contains a list of reasons (there are five) that encourage using this software. After choosing one of the reasons, a window opens for details which are briefly presented.

By selecting the "Home Page" option, you will find a summary of the reasons for using the EduStat software. After choosing one of the reasons, a window opens for details that are summarized. The menu bar allows you to select options that provide additional information.
It is also possible to display the menus of the Micro Centre Pythagore site by pressing the displayed button on the left.
In the upper part of the site window, menus allow in order to obtain additional information and titled:
Home page..........
Overview of this site
It is this menu
Access to slideshows and videos on some options of EduStat
Exercises are offered in six documents that can be viewed and downloaded.
Information on the process for acquiring the EduStat software
Internet address to contact the firm responsible for developing EduStat
Last update : 2021-10-05